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As a complete Library Management System (LiMS) has many features that will help libraries and librarians to do their job easily and quickly. This system completely automates all your library’s activities.It tracks the records of the number of books in the library, how many books are issued, or how many books have been returned or renewed or late fine charges, etc.

You can find books in an instant, issue/reissue books quickly, and manage all the data efficiently and orderly using this system. The purpose of a library management system is to provide instant and accurate data regarding any type of book, thereby saving a lot of time and effort.

System Features

Acquisition & Cataloguing

The acquisition & cataloguing module of the library management system enables the librarian to select & stock books, journals, and other resources and create a database of the same for easy book search.

Serial Control

The serial control module of the library software enables the librarians to handle or control processes such as subscription, renewals of books or their cancellations and generate accurate MIS reports.


The circulation module enables the librarian to create and manage borrower types along with keeping a tab on their book issue date, return date, dues, and fines. It enables a smooth circulation of books in the library.